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About Creart

Our website goal is to establish a link between young adults, art and culture in their town. We decided to create this website with the will of something specifically interactive. There are different aspects in the prototype. First of all, we wanted to inform young people to all the cultural events around them. Because if our target can be interested by art and culture, they don’t really know When and Where this kind of events can be. So, the website uses the location to show them what is around them. They can also have many different options as giving information and links to buy tickets for exhibition. The main idea of Creart is interactivity. We wanted to make it “young”, so we create this as a social network.  Finally, the last part is about your own creation. You will have a gallery where you can share your art with every people and react on it.

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Peinture abstraite

"Every artist was first an amateur"

Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Athens, Greece


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