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The 2019 Epidaurus Festival programme is announced !

The Epidaurus Festival is a huge event in the cultural calendar of the summer. Created in 1955, it is one of the oldest festivals in Europe. Each year, it hosts many famous artists around the world. Let's discover together the 2019 program which promises to be exceptional!

21 & 22 June


Directed by Robert Wilson

28 & 29 June

Orestela by Aeschylus


Directed by Io Voulgaraki

The Libation Bearers

Directed by Lilly Meleme

The Eumenides

Directed by Georgia Mavragani

5 & 6 July

The suppliants by Euripides

Directed by Stathis Livathinos

12 & 13 July

Oedious Rex by Sophocles

Directed by Konstantinos Markoulakis

19 & 20 July

Iphigenia in Aulis by Euripides

Directed by Yannis Kalavrianos

26 & 27 July


Electra / Orestes by Euripides

Directed by Ivo Van Hove

2 & 3 Aug.

The clouds by Aristophanes

Directed by Dimitris Karantzas

9 & 10 Aug.    

Prometheus Bound by Aeschylus

Directed by Stavros Tsakiris

28 & 29 June

Kassandra by Iannis Xenakis Anaparastasis I: The Baritone by Jani Christou

Directed by Alexandros Efklidis

The Day Will Come… by Giorgos Koumentakis

Directed by Ektoras Lygizos

5 & 6 July

Théogony by Hesiod

Directed by Sofia Paschou

19 & 20 July

Daphnis + Chloé by Longus

26 & 27 July

Phèdre by Racine

Directed by Efi Theodorou

2 & 3 Aug.

Danaids by Andreas Kalvos

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